Tuesday 27 June 2006


Binju-Nkambe parish celebrated their Pastoral Week from 22 to 23 June. Not very many people were present for the celebration, but a number of missions in the parish were represented: Kungi, Akweto, Bakinchini, Ngotong-Ntumbe, Mamba and Binju.

Unfortunately we discovered that during the pastoral year the pastoral commissions which had been constituted three years ago had still not carried on many of the pastoral activities that were expected of them. It was consoling to hear a few individuals report the things they did alone. A lot more could have been done if members of the different commissions had worked more together. We kept our hope that things can only get better, and that many more people in the parish will see the need to make a meaningful contribution to the pastoral life of the parish.

At the time allotted for General Discussions many participants expressed their desire to see the parish grow in collaborative ministry. They took the chance on that Friday 23 June, which was the Day of Sanctification of Priests at parish level, to express their concern that their priests be seen to work more together and pledged themselves to pray for their priests and help them in every way possible to be holy and committed priests.

Before the celebration ended, a new Parish Council Executive was elected with the following results:

Bawe Henry (Binju):

Chairperson of PPC;

Sih Cletus (Kungi):

Vice Chairperson of PPC;

Sebastian Ntanya:(Kungi)

Secretary of PPC;

Nfor Evaristus Kimbi: (Kungi)

Vice Secretary of PPC;

Visha Vitalis (Binju):

Financial Secretary of PPC

Participants drew up some resolutions to be lived during the current pastoral year, and drew up food and financial levies to make up our Parish Contribution to the Pastoral Week Celebration at Deanery Level in Ako from 22 to 24 July.

Nfor Evarisus Kimbi.


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