Saturday, 9 August 2008



After returning home from England, Fr. Robert Tanto brought gifts to various commissions and schools.

In the presence of the Parish Priest and the Chairperson of the Tabenken Parish Pastoral Council, he handed a letter which was sent by members of the Justice and Peace (J&P) Commission of St Francis de Sales, Wash Common, Newbury, England , to the Justice and Peace Commission of Tabenken Parish.
In their letter, they stated that, after discussions with Fr. Robert, they were very interested to be in partnership with the Justice and Peace Commission of Tabenken Parish. Both the Parish Priest and the Chairperson of Tabenken Parish Pastoral Council were pleased with the letter and promised to reply to it immediately.

They also said it’s a great thing for anybody to sit and think of such a wonderful friendship. They thanked him for the letter and told him they will inform members of the commission on Sunday. They promised they will keep the partnership burning.

Father Tanto then proceeded to Binju-Nkambe Parish where he met the Manager and staff of the Catholic primary schools who were in the main mission waiting for him. He apologized for coming late and thanked them for their patience. Not to waste much time he told them the kind of gifts he brought and where they were coming from and why the gifts were being sent to the kids. The gifts were:- Pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, balloons, playing toys for nursery kids, 3 footballs, pumps and a T-shirt for the captain of the first team that will win with the first match played with the ball. These things were distributed to the three schools of the parish: St Martin de Porres, Binju, St Michael’s Kungi and St Michael’s Akweto. He told the teachers to be the ones to encourage the children to be regular in writing letters and to use the internet. In response to this gesture, both the manager and the staff thanked him for his concern for the schools and promised they will do their best to keep the children up to date. After this presentation, there was light refreshment.
In the absence of the Parish Priest of Binju-Nkambe Parish, he was accompanied by the Chairperson of the Parish Pastoral Council to see the new church building under construction in Kungi mission. He was happy to see that they have made much progress on the project, and also thanked the foreman for the work he has been doing to see that it reached where it is now. He also met the project Chairperson to keep on encouraging the people to continue doing their local contribution for the completion of their Church. They promised they will not relent their effort
By Giwa Immaculate (Fanny Zabu)

NB: We are publishing this article late because we had technical problems and could not update our weblog. We are sorry.


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